Our purpose is to serve and honor God, praise His name and bless His church, through a faithful adherence to His precepts, as presented through His Word.

Review final Assembly and Committee Reports

With the exception of the God-man, Jesus Christ, there is no man or group of men inerrant in their understanding of God’s Word or infallible in their actions.
But by the grace of God, the Holy Spirit indwelling deacons and elders of the Lord’s church indwells all His people, producing in them a rich capacity for addressing issues and redressing ills within the Body of Christ.

In Acts 17, the apostle Paul commended the Bereans not for blind acceptance of his teaching, but for their assiduous study of God’s Word as they considered Paul’s message, looking to the former to ratify or refute the latter. In like fashion, many long-standing members of the Fellowship of Huntsville Church have raised concerns regarding recent decisions, events and actions to which this body has been subjected.

For the honor of our Lord’s name and the good of His people, many of these members believe it necessary and proper that the assembly now gather to consider and assess such concerns, and to submit those concerns to the Spirit-led determinations and resolutions of said assembly.

We encourage you to review the notice of this assembly and to review some of the concerns prompting it, here.

Review final Assembly and Committee Reports

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