Following is one deacon’s response to the deacon board, when told deacons must affirm “all points” of the statement of faith, if they wish to continue serving the body in that capacity. This deacon was subsequently removed from service.
Garrett Cradduck Nov 28, 2023, 4:49 PM
Evening, Gentlemen.
In short, “No.”
This creed, penned by men, and avowedly uninspired, conflicts with views espoused in sermons from our pulpit, with views shared by some individuals now seeking to “enforce” it, with scripture and with my own understanding thereof. As others have intimated, the faith of Jesus Christ alone must be our lodestar, and only He may command fealty.
If this creed is now to be used as a shiboleth by which to divide this local body, I certainly can’t place it on the same plane as the Word of God.
May the Lord honor His name and protect His body.