Statement of Faith

(Review committee report here)

-Should FOHC have a statement of faith?

-If a statement of faith is desired, who shall decide its content and what shall be its application?

The FOHC statement of faith (SoF) was approved by the elders in 2008. The statement was not unanimously approved at that time, nor was it submitted to the body for consideration. Since 2008 FOHC has enjoyed and thrived amidst a diversity of teachings. Affirmation of the SoF was neither required nor enforced; until now.

The November 19, 2023 announcement from the pulpit expressed the elder board’s ruling that the FOHC statement of faith would be the standard of belief used to determine who may teach. One may ask how this decision was made. It was reached by a simple, majority vote of the elder board. There was no vetting by the church body. There was little evaluative discussion at elder meetings.

This same statement is now wielded by the FOHC elders to effect a purge of fellow members, elders, deacons, teachers and volunteers. Examples include:


A recent email to the deacons from their chairman stated, “The elders are enforcing the Church’s Statement of Faith…. I will need a Yes or No response from each of you. Yes, if you believe all points. No if you do not. A No response will not allow you to serve as a Deacon …” While many deacons declared a full belief in, and support for, “all points” of the statement of faith, several did not affirm, but rather expressed their desire for further information, while a single deacon declared he would not affirm all points (you may view his response here). This last deacon was subsequently removed from service.


Similarly, the third and fourth grade Sunday school teacher (a volunteer of many years) was relieved from her position. Inquiries were made as to why she was removed. Some elders stated this was a result of a conflict with the SoF (though this teacher has never been asked her position regarding the SoF); other elders indicated she was removed because a single elder took issue with points not addressed in the SoF; and yet other elders have claimed she was removed at the discretion of the director of the children’s ministry. An authoritative and consistent response remains elusive.

Volunteers & Members:

A volunteer recently emailed her resignation as treasurer of the FOHC American Heritage Girls and Trail Life USA troops, uncomfortable serving under elders who feel their beliefs are superior to scripture. She and others soon found their access to the FOHC Connect website had been rescinded by “request from the elders.” Upon inquiry, she was told her account was deactivated due to her refusal to serve under them. Review the elders’ response here. Others were told they were deactivated because they were on a list of families and individuals “leaving the church.” Many of these have expressed no such intention and are still attending FOHC.

The position of FOHC elders is now: Do you “believe all points” of the statement of faith?

While new elders were being considered, many (at least one elder included) urged that the FOHC statement of faith be reevaluated; this was discussed in Sunday school classes, small groups and elder meetings. What spiritual profit it would be for the entire body to study and consider the positions expressed in the SoF, comparing them to holy scripture. Instead of study and evaluation by the body, a mere majority vote by the elders rendered belief in, and affirmation of, “all points” a prerequisite to service in the FOHC body.

Who should study, discuss, evaluate, and ultimately decide the content of a statement of faith? Who decides whether such a statement is even desirous? Should scripture alone, Sola Scriptura, be the standard? It is proper to submit these issues to the consideration of the FOHC assembly.

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